Friday 28 January 2011

Ben and Tom at the Seaside.

I've been painting like billy-ho and feeling too tired most evenings to post up my progress, but here I am at last and Ben and Tom now look like this...
I'm having trouble with their feet, and Tom's stance (lefthand figure) took a while to get right. I'm still not happy with his skin tone, but there are bigger things to get right before I fiddle about with that.

The whole mural is quite a mad one. There is a lot more going on than Ben and Tom at the seaside. There are to be skiers and cricketers and Russian onion-dome churches, French chateaux, the Palau de les Arts in Valencia, a cracked globe like a Faberge egg, champagne, golf clubs, Jamon Serrano (that's Parma Ham to you and I), a tarte aux framboises and a leonberger puppy. It's rather a challenge.


  1. Are Ben & Tom figments of yours - or real people?

  2. Hello Paul,
    Yes, Ben and Tom are very much alive; they are the sons of my client.
